Memory Magic Course Week 8 - Name Recognition - Basic Tip

'I remember your face but I can't remember your name?'
How many times have you said that? It's true. We all say it because we do remember when we've met someone before. They look familiar to us, but we can't associate the name to the face.
Would you like to know how to do that?
The next series of emails will give you a number of strategies for remembering someone's name.
You see, there isn't just one method. There is a MAIN METHOD.
But there are a number of additional strategies.
"In the Memory Magic Workshop, Name Recall is the first topic of discussion.
When I do my workshops, I learn the names of all participants before the first teaching session starts.
I've learned how to do this through practice. But you can start recalling names using my simple 3-step system.
How many names can I remember? I've recalled about 100!
But you'd be happy to be able to recall 20, 30, or 50, right? Do you think you could do it? YOU CAN! I know you can.
This was the lesson in the very first issue of this newsletter. If you don't think that you can do it, then you won't even try.
So these next series of newsletters will focus on how to do it.
For now, some basic tips:
• When someone says their name, USE IT immediately! This one tip will help immensely. They won't mind if you use their name. Everyone likes the sound of their own name. So use it often!
• Think about remembering their name. Just remembering to remember will help.
• Ask a question about their name. How do you spell it? What is the origin of your name? Is it a family name?
Here's something you might not have considered: The person you're meeting might have the same questions about your name.
Since the ultimate goal of name recall is to develop a relationship, tell the person something about your name. A good idea is to tell the person how to remember your name.
After we discuss how to spell the person's name, I usually say, "My name is Bob, with one O." They laugh. But they remember!
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