Memory Magic Course Week 6 - Visualization is Memory Power

It is a simple fact that we remember images better than words, numbers, or other concepts.
So, if you want to remember something, convert it to an image.
When someone tells me their name, I immediately convert it into a mental image. It's habit for me now. I have standard images which I use for hundreds of first names.
For example, if a woman tells me her name is Christine, then I imagine "Christmas tree."
If a man says his name is Tom, then I imagine "drum" (tom-tom).
For me, it is fairly easy to convert someone's name into an image. It may not be as easy for you. That's why I have included thousands of common first names on the download which is included with my Memory Magic: Super-Memory video course.
It is part of my Memory Magic Membership. See for more info...
The name dictionary is a list of common first names and a "substitute images" to help you to visualize the name. The Excel spreadsheet is sortable by first name, gender, and image. This is one of the ways I can remember a hundred people I've just met.
But visualization is helpful for anything you want to remember.
If you have an agenda of items that you need to discuss at a meeting, you could remember them by visualizing an image to represent each item.
A short example of what I mean by visualization:
Let's say that you have a list of 3 things you need to discuss at the next meeting:
1. Adjust prices on some products
2. Review an advertisement for the paper
3. Prioritize plans for next month
How would you visualize that?
You create a mental PICTURE for each item. A picture is something solid, non-abstract, that you can see. And then you mentally link them together into a story.
I use this type of mental visualization to make plans in my head while I'm doing some other task that doesn't require my full attention (like waiting for someone, listening to a boring speaker, etc.) So I make the plans and visualize mental cues to help me to remember them. Then later, I can write them down, if I want.
But the hard work of planning is already done.
Do you have a great imagination? Then you can have a great memory.
Next week: Time for a Memory Quiz
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