Memory Magic Course Week 17 - Substitute Name Examples

'This issue is just a list of names, and the substitute images I use to recall them.
Note: What I use to recall a name will probably not be what you would use.
You should always use images that will remind YOU of the name.
However, I'm sharing my secret inner thoughts with you so you can get an idea of how you might create images.
For the purpose of educating you, I'll also give you some WRONG images which I wouldn't use, to teach you by a negative example.
Roy - 'Royal Flush' I think of the image of the cards. I decide what suit they are and try to really visualize it.
Otis - I imagine an elevator ( 'Otis Elevator') An alternate image could be 'oats.'
Rosemarie - 'Rose Marry' Think of a rose wearing a wedding gown and walking down the aisle of the church. What would it be holding for a bouquet?
Cindy - 'cinders'
Jan - 'janitor' For this one, don't think of 'January' because that would not be an IMAGE.
Nick or Nicole- 'nickel' Yes, you could think of 'a nick' (as in a cut) but that would be harder to picture. The goal is to create fast easy images.
Norm- 'no arm' Sometimes saying a name very slowly will help you to create an image.
Olivia- 'olive'Phil- 'dirt' Think about this one. If it makes sense to you, then use it.
Abby - 'a bee'. The insect is much easier to picture than an actual 'abbey'.
Shelly - 'shell' or alternate image: Jelly
Shirley- 'squirrel'
Lisa- 'leash' You might be tempted to create some type of image with the word 'lease', but what type of IMAGE could that be?
Liz- 'lips'
Also, don't make the common mistake of trying to imagine someone you know of who has that name. It's a mistake because you'd still have to select a facial feature of the person you met and then try to link that facial feature to someone else's image? Too convoluted!
Think of an object!
Question: 'Do you mean I have to create all these name images myself?'
Answer: 'No. I've done much of the work for you with my name database."
While it's best to create your own substitute images, it's acceptable to read some image suggestions and make them your own through clear visualization.
One of the features of my Super-Memory Power video course is the bonus file download included, which contains many extra files for your computer. And one of those files is a dictionary of substitute names. I have thousands of substitute names I've listed in a spreadsheet. They're an added bonus when you subscribe to the
Memory Magic: Super-Memory Power Video Membership.
Next Issue: How NOT to Memorize!
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